Thursday, May 8, 2014

Next Chapter...

Since I started at the beginning of the story last time I figure I should go to the next part chronologically: my pregnancy.  Pregnancy and I don't agree much.  Like at all.  Jameson was born at 30 weeks and I threw up several times a day for those 30 weeks.  I was working full time as either waitress or hostess at Old Chicago as well as going to school full time.  When I found out I was pregnant, I was observing/student teaching at a school here in town.  My cooperating teacher was less than pleasant to work with.  She was awful.  I knew that I had been a bit of a mess so I opened up to her about just finding out I was pregnant and she pretty much told me, "Well, I guess that's why you were falling asleep the other day during small group time."  I was already nervous about the whole situation enough and that really didn't help.
Soon enough though it was summer and Freddie was working at a restaurant here in town as a manager.  Things were ok.  We were still broke, Freddie was the same hot mess he had always been, and I was so, so sick from being pregnant.  I can't lie and say it was a magical time because it wasn't.  Freddie and I fought so much.  I mean we fought a lot because he was so difficult but to be completely honest, I am pretty sure that he had an affair during this time.  Because of that we got into a physical altercation about it at some point.
A saving grace on July 23 though was our first ultrasound with Jameson.  The first of millions ha ha.  We went in to find out the gender of our baby at the anatomy scan.  We found out we were having a baby boy! What a relief for me because I couldn't imagine raising a little girl.  During the ultrasound, we kept asking if he was ok as all expectant parents do.  Obviously, the ultrasound tech isn't qualified to pass on that kind of information to parents, so I remember her telling us that he has all ten fingers and toes.  That was good enough for me.  I was so excited to be welcoming a baby boy home on December 21 that I may not have cared if he was missing some fingers and toes.
About a month passes and it's time for my monthly check up with my OB.  During my 24 week visit, she mentions that Jameson had a small hole in his heart.  She said I shouldn't be worried and that it usually cleared up before  birth.  She referred us to the only high risk OB in Wichita.  My doctor told me not to be worried about my baby so I wasn't.  We did our usual routine after the appointment, lunch at Jason's Deli so I could get a tuna melt (tuna was my pregnancy craving with Baby J).
Little did I know, that my doctor was not exactly disclosing the whole truth about what was going on with Jameson.

 Jameson's first of many photoshoots.

1 comment:

  1. Cara I'm so glad you are sharing this story. I'm sure parts are hard for you but there is a lot of good things here too. Miss you girl!
